Assistant Professor and Coordinator for Research and International Cooperation at the Centre for Europe, University of Warsaw; recipient of the prestigious fellowship of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the Best Young Scholars (2013). PhD in Political Science and International Relations. Vice-President of the Polish European Community Studies Association; member of the Polish-African Association and Polish Association of International Studies. Main research interests: EU in international relations, EU Foreign Policy, EU policy towards non-Europeans countries (especially Subsaharan Africa), development and humanitarian policy; Emerging Markets. Author of numerous publications on these topics. Editors two books: Introduction to European Studies:A New Approach to Uniting Europe, Publishing Programme of Centre for Europe University of Warsaw, Warsaw2013 (co-editors with D. Milczarek and Artur Adamczyk); Poland in the European Union: Adjustment and Modernisation. Lessons for Ukraine, Publishing Programme of Centre for Europe University of Warsaw, Warsaw-Lviv2012, (co-editors with Artur Adamczyk).Visiting professor and lecturer at over 20 universities worldwide (e.g. Airlangga University (Indonesia), Xiamen University (China), Institute d'Etudes Politiques de Toulouse, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris, Università degli Studi di Siena). E-mail: k.zajaczkowski@uw.edu.pl.
The Key Staff Member, wice-manager of the first congress, included in writing books& articles, TWGs Member, supporting the organization of all events, undertaking research activities.