Prof. Edward Haliżak, director of the Institute of International Relations (University of Warsaw), and prof. Dariusz Milczarek, director of Centre for Europe (University of Warsaw), invite PECSA members to participate in international scientific conference “The World’s Perception of the European Union” that will take place on 23 October 2014 in Pałac Kazimierzowski, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28. The Conference is coorganized by PECSA and Polish Society of International Studies (PTSM). Prof. Ewa Latoszek, chairwoman of PECSA, will moderate a panel on “Transatlantic relations – American and European perception”. PZU Foundation is the strategic partner of the Conference.
Researchers from Poland, United States, Israel, China, India, Serbia, Kosovo, Ukraine, Mexico and Nepal will participate in the Conference.
Invitation to the Conference (in English)
Prgramme of the Conference (in English)