Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics (CEWSE) with Co-organizers and Partners have the honor to invite you to the CEWSE PhD Workshop 2018 “Working together for more responsible trade & investment policy” that will be held on 22.05.2018 at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics in Poland, al. Niepodległości 128, building C, room 1b. The event is organized within the framework of the “Centre of Excellence at Warsaw School of Economics on European Union’s Security and Stability in a New Economic, Social & Geopolitical Settlement” , conducted at the SGH in the years 2016–2019 and co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
The event is free of charge and it will be held in English.
We highly recommend you to register on-line before 21.05.2018.
More info at http://www.cewse.pl/en/workshops/workshop-no2