Territorial and Sectoral Distribution of the ODA Gross Disbursements Channelled Using Civil Society Organizations: Czechia Comparedwith Other Central European Countries





Civil  society  organizations  represent  important  actors  in  delivery  of  development  assistance.  International community recognizes them not only as actors on their own, but also as the contractors of  the  official  governmental  programmes  and  projects.  Their  involvement  in  development  policies  of donor countries has been especially emphasized since the 1990s, and it is generally regarded as valuable in fulfilment of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Governments of the Central European Countries also cooperate with civil society organizations in development policies, and use them inter alia as the channels for aid delivery. However, the level in which governments use their services in delivery of the Official Development Assistance differs. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to identify and evaluate territorial and sectoral distribution of the ODA gross disbursements of Czechia channelled using civil society organizations, and to compare this distribution with the ones found in Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Through civil society organizations Czechia has allocated nearly  ¼  of  its  total  volume  of  ODA  gross  disbursements  related  to  individual  programmes  and  projects during the period between 2014 and 2018. However, the Hungarian government cooperated with civil society organizations marginally, and their participation reached a maximum level of 6% in 2018. Civil society organizations, participating in development policies of the Central European Countries,  were  involved  mainly  in  the  programmes  and  projects  concerning  social  infrastructure  and services, which complies with their traditional and most common roles.

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