Marta Pachocka is an economist and political cientist. Assistant professor in the Department of Political Studies, the Institute of International Studies of the Collegium of Socio-Economics of SGH Warsaw School of Economics; researcher and co-coordinator of the Laboratory of Urban and Regional Migration Policies at the Centre of Migration Research (CMR) of the University of Warsaw (UW), and former Head of the Migration Policies Research Unit at CMR (2018-2022). She received her PhD in economics in 2013. Her academic profile, though, is truly interdisciplinary, including political science and migration studies. She has considerable experience as both a team leader and member in implementing cross-sector and multi-stakeholder projects co-funded by the National Science Centre (Poland), National Bank of Poland, Capital City of Warsaw, various ministries, EU Programmes (Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, Lifelong Learning Programme, Erasmus+, Creative Europe), and others.
She is on the Board of the Polish European Community Studies Association (PECSA) and the Research Committee RC46 “Migration and Citizenship” of the International Political Science Association (IPSA). She supports the European Commission Representation in Poland as an EU expert member of the Team Europe Direct Poland network. She is also a member of the International Steering Committee of the Metropolis Project, focused on international migration and migration policies. She is a member of several national and international associations, including UACES, IMISCOE, IPSA, IASF, IPPA, and the Consultative Forum of the EU Agency for Asylum (since 2022) on behalf of the CMR UW. She was a Visiting Research Fellow at the Centre for European Studies of the Sciences Po Paris (2015) and a Visiting Scholar at the Carleton University (2022). She was a Visiting Professor in Bratislava (2015) and Tartu (2016).
She has authored or co-authored book chapters, journal articles, working papers, research reports, and other texts in Polish, English, French or German covering international relations and economics, migration studies and EU studies, which has given her considerable experience and expertise to co-edit books and special issues of journals highly recognized by international publishers (including Wiley, Routledge, and Emerald). She has for many years now been a reviewer of various interdisciplinary scientific journals and project proposals (e.g., under Horizon 2020). Marta’s main research interests include EU studies and migration studies. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6930-5078