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Call for papers

“The Review of European Affairs” ISSN: 2544-6703.

This journal is included in ERIH PLUS, EBSCO and CEEOL.

We are pleased to announce that the journal “The Review of European Affairs” has been included in the list of scoring journals created by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (20 points).


Call for Papers “The Review of European Affairs” 2023

The Editorial Board of “The Review of European Affairs” encourages all potential authors to submit their original research papers to our journal in 2023. We welcome all the contributions on broadly understood European topics from the perspective of various scientific disciplines, including socio-economic, political and legal sciences. The papers can cover, but are not limited to, the following issues:


  • The COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts in all facets and dimensions
  • The full-scale war in Ukraine and its multidimensional impacts
  • European security in different dimensions
  • Next Generation Europe and EU anti-crisis recovery policy
  • Research, innovation and technological advancements and management
  • Energy policy
  • Sustainability and “Green Europe”
  • Support of businesses and emergency measures in the member states
  • Future of the Eurozone
  • EU budget 2021-2027
  • EU economy: real market and its digital future
  • EU foreign policy, EU as a global actor
  • International migration flow
  • European integration processes under new conditions
  • EU values, the rule of law, democracy
  • Poland in the European Union: costs and benefits

Prospective authors are kindly asked to submit their abstracts to the Editorial Board by email to Please include the authors’ names and affiliations.
Guidelines for the authors:

  • Submission deadline of the abstract: 10 June 2023
  • Approval decision: 20 June 2023
  • Paper submission: 1 June
  • Publication: December 2023

“The Review of European Affairs” ISSN: 2544-6703.
This journal is included in ERIH PLUS, EBSCO, CEEOL.


Call for Papers “The Review of European Affairs” no. 2/2021

Thematic Editors: 

  • Prof. Daiva Dumčiuvienė (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
  • Prof. Agnieszka Domańska (SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland)
  • Dr. Eva Kovářová (VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic)

Discussions, tensions and even conflicts around the general concept and strategy for the future of the European integration are what the EU is facing these months. But, on the other hand, all members are getting into the phase of another giant project: Next Generation EU (NGEU) - recovery package to support member states adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The funds supporting it account for €750 billion, focusing on issues like natural environment protection, sustainability, innovations, security, and digital technological advancements. Thus the preferred articles expected for the coming edition of PECSA’s “The Review of European Affairs” are to cover the most recent problems, like fields of EU Next Generation’s interests as well as related challenges and questions. However, topics of welcomed articles are not restrained to those subjects.

The editors of  “The Review of European Affairs” invite you to participate in issue no. 2/2021. The issue will be devoted to broadly understood European topics in a multidisciplinary approach, i.e. in legal, political, economic, and socio-cultural terms. The editors invite interested authors (academics, researchers, doctoral students, individual experts) to submit papers that address, but are not limited to, the following issues and topics. 

  • The COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts in all facets and dimensions
  • Next Generation Europe and EU anti-crisis recovery policy 
  • Research, innovation and technological advancements and management
  • Sustainability and “Green Europe”
  • Support of businesses and emergency measures in the member states
  • Future of the Eurozone
  • EU budget 2021-2027
  • EU economy: real market and its digital future 
  • EU foreign policy, EU as a global actor
  • European integration process under new conditions
  • EU values, the rule of law, solidarity, democracy

Prospective authors are kindly asked to submit their abstracts to the editors by email to Please include the author’s name and affiliation.
Guidelines for the authors:


  • Submission deadline: 10 November 2021
  • Approval decision: 20 November 2021
  • Publication: December 2021

"The Review of European Affairs" ISSN: 2544-6703
Czasopismo jest włączone do Europejskiego Indeksu Referencyjnego Nauk Humanistycznych i Społecznych (ERIH PLUS):  

Call for Papers “The Review of European Affairs” no. 1/2021

The editors of  “The Review of European Affairs” invite you to participate in the upcoming issue no. 1/2021. The issue will be devoted to broadly understood European topics in a multidisciplinary approach i.e. in legal, political, economic, and socio-cultural terms. The editors invite interested authors (academics, researchers, doctoral students, individual experts) to submit papers that address, but are not limited to, the following issues and topics connected with the European dimension, including among others:

  • The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the functioning of the EU and EU member states

  • Research and innovation

  • EU values, the rule of law, solidarity, democracy

  • EU safety and security

  • EU foreign policy, EU as a global actor

  • European integration process under new conditions

  • The EU economy

  • The internal market through the prism of the effects of the pandemic on fundamental economic freedoms

  • Business protection and job promotion

  • Support of businesses and emergency measures in the member states

  • Future of the Eurozone

  • EU budget 2021-2027

  • The European Green Deal

  • Europe’s digital future 

  • Teaching and learning in the EU

  • Tourism and transport


Prospective authors are kindly asked to submit their abstracts to the editors by email to Please include the author’s name and affiliation. Guidelines for the authors:



Submission deadline: 10 May 2021

Approval decision: 1 June 2021

Publication: 15 July 2021

Polish European Community Studies Association (PECSA)

Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Poland (KAS)


The Review of European Affairs


Call for papers 2020

The editors of The Review of European Affairs invite you to participate in upcoming issues in 2020.

The European Union must adapt to the severe challenges now occurring in the global economy. The new European Commission has called for tackling what it describes as generational challenges—the transformation to a green, ecological Europe that protects and preserves the climate and natural environment and with the aim to keep people healthy. In the digital age, the EU should grasp the opportunities that result from digitalisation. Therefore the digital transformation of Europe will help to build the potential of the EU and enable it to become a global leader while opening opportunities for citizens and businesses. The Union also aims to create an “economy that works for people”. However, it is also essential to create a stronger Europe in the world that promotes solidarity, equality and fairness, and democracy as core values, along with the rule of law.

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and exceptional mitigation measures have greatly shocked Europe. The crisis has significantly affected the lives of the Union’s citizens and businesses, and the functioning of the Member States. This unprecedented crisis has led to strong restrictions in many European countries, enabling governments to act more quickly and to implement some measures more easily to mitigate the effects of the pandemic. However, some of these measures fundamentally affect the lives of the population, harm the economy, and restrict civil liberties, democratic principles, and other values ​​in individual states of the European Union. These measures include the closure of borders and the associated restrictions on the free movement of persons in the internal market, as well as the simplification of the legislative process, which leaves room for abuse of power or rules that do not necessarily serve to protect citizens from the consequences of the pandemic. In this context, many questions, challenges, and opportunities arise for Europe in the shadow of the coronavirus.

To this end, the editors of The Review of European Affairs invite interested authors (academics, researchers, doctoral students) to submit papers that address, but are not limited to, the following issues and topics on current developments in the European Union:

  • EU values, the rule of law, solidarity, democracy
  • EU safety and security
  • EU foreign policy, EU as a global actor
  • European integration process under new conditions
  • The EU economy
  • The internal market through the prism of the effects of the pandemic on fundamental economic freedoms
  • Business protection and job promotion
  • Support of businesses and emergency measures in the Member States
  • Future of the Eurozone
  • EU budget 2021-2027
  • Research and innovation
  • The European Green Deal
  • Europe’s digital future
  • Teaching and learning in the EU
  • Tourism and transport

Prospective authors are kindly asked to submit their abstracts to the editors by email to Please include the author’s name and affiliation. Guidelines for the authors:

Call for papers 2019

The editors of The Review of European Affairs invite submissions for the upcoming issues in 2019. The academic debate on the prospects of the European integration process and on the EU’s role in the world is ongoing, with several issues at the forefront.

The EU faces several great challenges nowadays. One is whether the future EU should be more united, stronger, and more competitive—internally and externally. This includes efforts to create a stronger Single Market, which should provide more business opportunities, and whether the digital market should be implemented. New technology will have to be utilised to conduct business and improve the welfare of EU society. The key issue here is the demographic challenge. Will Europe continue to attract skilled workers and, although the further inflow of migrants will inevitably stimulate the EU’s economy, will migration be managed in a more efficient way? Will the EU remain strongly committed to the discussion on climate change? These are only a few topics discussed in the EU nowadays. The debate continues on how to tackle the challenges the Union faces, on which reforms will be implemented to enhance European competitiveness internally and externally, and what must be done to raise the EU as a stronger global actor.

Furthermore, many scholars argue that we are currently witnessing the making of a new world order. Some forecast the end of the liberal international order established by the U.S. and are talking about the possibility of a bipolar world order in which the rules of the game will be dictated by the American-Chinese duo. Others suggest a multipolar world order with the U.S., China, Russia, India, and others, and groupings such as the BRICS, EU, etc. The question for the EU is what will be its role in this future world order: a bandwagoner or a trendsetter/powerbroker? The future of EU-transatlantic collaboration is also under fire, along with signs of a troubled partnership between NATO and the EU that could force the latter to think about defence in more autonomous and concrete terms. Moreover, we must never forget that ultimately the EU is much more than a community of states or an exclusivist trading bloc, it is also an entity based on norms and values, and in its relations with third parties it wishes to spread and to export these norms and values, which represent the cornerstones of the European community.

Besides the external challenges the EU faces, 2019 is an important year to celebrate the 15th anniversary of its biggest enlargement. It is valuable to underline the benefits of membership and lessons learnt from the integration process. For the first time, the EU is facing a possible reduction in members and, at the same time, many are celebrating their presence in the Union. The EU’s internal issues will play a key role in making it a stronger global actor. Therefore, the scientific discussion on the European integration process and the role of the EU as an international player will tackle both its external and internal dimensions.

To this end, the editors of The Review of European Affairs invite interested authors to submit papers that address, but are not limited to, the following issues and topics on current developments in the EU and its members, including in Poland:

  • Values and principles of the European integration process
  • Pros and cons of membership in the EU – 15 years since its biggest enlargement
  • Models of European integration in the 21st century
  • Prospects of the European integration process
  • Single European Market
  • Socio-economic development of the EU
  • The new MFF 2021–2027: where is the EU heading?
  • Future of the Eurozone
  • The rise of populism and illiberalism in the EU: revival of the nation-state?
  • The EU and its citizens: is there a democratic deficit in the EU?
  • Migration and integration in the EU
  • Forced migration and EU asylum policy
  • EU safety and security
  • EU external relations
  • The EU as a global actor
  • The EU’s place in the future world order
  • The EU as a regional security provider and role in conflict prevention and crisis management
  • The EU and NATO
  • The EU and the transatlantic partnership
  • The EU, WTO, and IMF and global trade relations
  • The EU’s role in the fight against climate change
  • The EU as a normative power and as a global human rights champion
  • The EU’s cultural diplomacy and exporting culture and norms abroad
  • The EU’s soft vs. hard power

Prospective authors are kindly asked to submit their abstracts to the editors by email to Please include the author’s name and affiliation. Guidelines for the authors:


Call for papers 2018

Academic debate and popular media discourse on the prospects of the European integration process thrive. Big narratives fuelled by the debate on the Future on Europe, by progress in Brexit negotiations, by frequently overly flashy political debate constitute a very important part of the narrative. In this way, they impose an outside-in perspective on developments in the EU. Certainly, these narratives are complemented by a less pronounced but equally valid debates that depict the bottom-up dynamics that nurture the EU today. Here, developments in the EU members states, changing attitudes to the very idea of European integration, benevolent attitude of large parts of the society to the foundational values and principles of the EU and several other issues define the beat of the discussion. And as questions of security return to the mainstream debates on the EU and liberal political, economic and social order can no longer taken for granted in the EU, it is imperative to rethink these two ways of thinking and debating about the EU and the European integration process.

To this end, the Editors of The Review of European Affairs invite interested Authors to submit papers that address, but are not limited to, the following issues and topics:

  • Conceptual and case-study driven approaches to current developments in the EU,
  • Advances in diverse fields of the EU policymaking,
  • Values and principles in the EU integration process,
  • Safety and security in the EU,
  • Economic performance of the EU member-states and of the EU as ‘European economic space’,
  • The single market and its integrative potential,
  • Cultural relations,
  • External relations of the EU,
  • EU as a global actor,
  • Integration process in the world from the European perspective.

Prospective Authors are kindly asked to submit their papers to the Editors at:, including the Author’s name & affiliation.

Call for papers 2017

The on-line journal The Review of European Affairs invites paper submission for the upcoming issues.

We invite papers from academics, researchers, doctoral students who tackle topics relevant to the EU internal and external relations which will be conceptualized broadly, including:

  • political affairs of the EU,
  • European security,
  • internal dimension of the EU i.e. economic, social and cultural relations,
  • external relations of the EU with the third countries,
  • EU as a global actor,
  • integration process in the world from the European perspective.

However the range of topics will not only be limited to those selected areas, but all papers which make any contribution to the European studies are warmly welcome. The theoretical and empirical research is invited, as well as case studies, cross-national analysis, research results, etc. Papers which take a multidisciplinary approach are particularly invited. Only the original, not published elsewhere paper can be submitted.   

There is no submission fee. It is an open access online publication and issued twice a year. Papers are collected on the regular basis. Papers undergo the double blind peer-reviewed procedure.