Full Professor at Warsaw School of Economics (SGH). Fields of interest: European integration, the EU policies, SME sector, Development Economics and International Economics. Involved in numerous national and international research. As an expert participated in Polish accession to EU and was one of the first academics in Poland receiving Jean Monnet Modules and PHARE grants in 90th as the coordinator. She has also been involved in many other national and international research and educational projects since 2010 (co-financed by i.a. EU, Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, National Bank of Poland, Polish National Science Center), including Jean Monnet projects coordinated by PECSA. In 2011/12 a Project Coordinator of the EUintegRATIO (the 7th Framework Programme). In 2013- granted the JM Chair Holder & was the Project Coordinator of the Academy of Young Europeen, JM Project. In 2014-2015- a Project Coordinator of “EuInteg” (Erasmus+, JM Information Project). Since 2015- a Key Staff member of ECSA-Moldova JM Activities Project. Vice-Coordinator and the Key Staff Member of the project EUSHARE – “Connecting the European Union of Shared Aims, Freedoms, Values and Responsibilities” (2016–2019) under Jean Monnet Support to Associations and the Academy of Young European 2 (2016-2018), JM Project conducted by the Polish European Community Studies Association (PECSA). In 2016 granted the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at the Warsaw School of Economics (CEWSE) as the Holder and project Coordinator. Since 2018 the Key Staff Member in ECSA- World 2.0 JM Project. Since 2019 the Key Staff Member in Erasmus +/Jean Monnet Activities grant: Boosting Local Economic Growth in Border Regions in the process in the process of EU integration: Best practices of Eastern Partnership (EaP) Countries/ BLEGEEC , 2018-2021.
Visiting Professor in many Universities incl. European University Institute(Florence), London School of Economics, Oradea University (Romania), Canterbury University (New Zealand), NUS (Singapore).
Since 2014 the Member of 2 EC Advisory Groups of Experts under Horizon 2020 (SC 6 -2014 to now & Science with and for Development2014-2017)
Strongly contributed to establishing the cooperation of SGH with Ernst & Young Co in the field of education in Poland as the Director of joint Post-diploma studies. Main functions: President of PECSA- Polish European Community Studies Association, Member of a Steering Committee of the Research Alliance for Development, the World Bank (RAD), Member of Polish Academy of Sciences, Deputy Dean at Warsaw School of Economics, Coordinator of European Studies- Warsaw School of Economics, Member of ECSA Board. Teaching activities: International Economics, European Integration, The Common Market of EU, Finances of EU. Author & co-author of over 200 publications related to European Integration & International Organizations.