Connecting the European Union of Shared Aims, Freedoms, Values and Responsibilities / EUSHARE
Polish European Community Studies Association (PECSA) is a non-governmental organization established in 1989 by scientists from the best Polish universities, supported by the European Commission. What distinguishes PECSA is the inter- and multidisciplinary background of its members who are university scientists, independent scholars, EU experts. PECSA has been involved in many important national and EU projects in recent years, including LLP and Erasmus+.
The general objective of the project is to enforce the visibility of PECSA’s brand and increase PECSA’s importance and role not only in Poland, but also in CEE region and among other EU member states, EaP states and EU candidate states. The detailed objectives are in line with the general objectives of JM Activities and those of JM Support to Associations.
Specific objectives of the the JM Support to Associations are to:
- provide through the statutory activities of the applicant organisation greater visibility to European Union subjects
- perform research on specific European issues in order to advise local, regional, national and European policy makers and to disseminate the outcomes among the institutions involved in these issues, including the EU institutions as well as a wider public thus enhancing activive citizenship
EUSHARE allowed for implementation of consistent body of interconnected, interdependent activities in 2016-2020 which corresponded to PECSA’s statutory activities and reflected the project scope and objectives, including i.a.:
1. Events (ex.):
1.1. Organization of 3 Annual General Meetings combined with 3 Roundtable Debates in Warsaw:
1.2. Organization of PECSA International Conference 2019 “Connecting the European Union of shared aims, freedoms, values and responsibilities”,
2. Deliverables (ex.):
- revisited, refreshed and updated the PECSA website (http://www.pecsa.edu.pl/en),
- creation and publication of PECSA’s journal “The Review of European Affairs” (ISSN: 2544-6703) which was added to the prestigious international database of publications – The European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS),
- preparation and publication of post-conference book “Connecting the European Union of shared aims, freedoms, values and responsibilities” (composed of two volumes “European Union and its values: freedom, solidarity, democracy” and “European Union and its law, policy, and economy: internal and external dimensions”),
- information and promotional materials (e.g. articles in “Gazeta SGH”, Facebook account),
- materials from the Roundtable Debates and International Conference available on PECSA website (e.g. galleries, presentations, speeches),
3. Additional activities to promote the project, its activities, deliverables and PECSA’s brand:
- (co)organization, partnership or patronage in many academic events organized by e.g. SGH Warsaw School of Economics, University of Warsaw, University of Gdańsk, Jacob of Paradies University in Gorzów Wielkopolski etc.,
- PECSA organized “European Seminars” in 2016-2017, open to the wide public, in cooperation with Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Poland, Jean Monnet Chair of European Union and Collegium of Socio-Economics of SGH Warsaw School of Economics and Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence CEWSE,
- team members conducted scientific and research activities in the field of European studies, in line with the scope of EUSHARE (participation in various conferences, preparing academic publications, co-supervision of PhD thesis, etc.),
- some team members joined Team Europe network of the European Commission Representation in Poland (dr A. Borowicz, dr M. Pachocka, dr Aleksandra Szczerba-Zawada),
- PECSA deepened a cooperation with ECSAs and strengthened relations with i.a. ECSA-Romania, ECSA-Moldova and ECSA-Georgia.