
”Green Europe” Plan versus Claiming of the Plan by V4 Counties

”Green Europe” Plan versus Claiming of the Plan by V4 Counties





For economic and environmental reasons, the present and future of the environment is not sustainable. While European countries agreed on a “Green Europe Plan to address those issues, each country has 
a different method how to apply it. The main goal of this text is to evaluate the preparedness of each country and the projects implemented which should increase the attainability of “Green Europe“ Plan. The article is focused on V4 countries (Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland) as they have strong relationships. The European Green Deal serves as the European Union’s climate and climate neutrality plan that covers all areas of the economy. Climate change, adverse weather conditions, high ocean temperatures can have 
a very dire impact on nature and people, leading to higher costs not only for the European Union’s economy. However, these climate threats can be combated or at least mitigated, for example by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and thus achieving climate neutrality, which is precisely the aim of the European Green Deal.

The Climate Crisis as a Global Challenge: Preliminary Remarks on the Big Powers’ Perspective

The Climate Crisis as a Global Challenge: Preliminary Remarks on the Big Powers’ Perspective





This article focuses on the history of actions taken by various countries, organizations, and scientists from around the world. The most crucial part is to understand the beginning of the process called ‘climate crisis’ and the statements from world’s biggest polluters and power leaders. One the one hand, countries like the United States and China are the ones who are the most responsible for the current situation that the world is in. On the other, it is necessary to look more closely at the EU’s statements about climate change and the reason for the slow climate diplomacy followed by legal actions that never had any sanctions. Nevertheless, the importance of European Union and its role in the process of creating a place for discussion can’t be denied. It is said by many climate researchers that the lack of punishment for countries who were not fulfilling obligations to key documents such as the Paris Agreement from 2015 is one of the biggest reasons for the overall failure of the joint actions to stop climate destruction. The main problem was, and still is, based around how to combine industrial growth with ecologically-friendly methods. There should be no higher value than the state of the world’s health but clearly for some, money is the bigger virtue. By reading this article, the author encourages the reader to change their perspective on how to earn, spend, and invest money so that the environment can thrive.