Dorota Murzyn
Department of Economics and Economic Policy, Pedagogical University of Cracow,
- Volume 2 Issue (1) 2018
The Polish transition from coal-based manufacturing to renewable oriented society is particularly challenging. However, climate change poses not only a threat but also an opportunity to conduct ecological modernisation and develop a more low-carbon economy. The aim of the paper is to analyse and assess the role of EU cohesion policy in mobilising actions towards low-carbon economy in Poland. The paper is based on a literature review and data analysis. Poland has allocated around EUR 4 billion in 2007–2013 and EUR 11.5 billion between 2014–2020 to cohesion policy for the support of a shift towards low-carbon economy in all sectors. Such significant resources have caused the mobilization of regional authorities towards activities for a low-carbon economy. The municipalities’ low-carbon economy plans are the best example. Although there is no statutory obligation to create such plans, most of the Polish municipalities have done it. Even if the quality of these plans varies, they still are an important precondition for building low-carbon economy and improving the air quality in Poland.
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