The Polish European Community Studies Association (PECSA) with Partners have the honor to invite you to the PECSA Roundtable Debate 2017 “The role of European values in times of the political and socio-economic challenges in Europe” that will be held on 25 May 2017 at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics in Poland. PECSA Roundtable Debate 2017 is organized in the framework of the EUSHARE project – "Connecting the European Union of Shared Aims, Freedoms, Values and Responsibilities”, conducted by PECSA in the years 2016–2019 and co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
The event is free of charge and it will be held in English.
We highly recommend you to register on-line before 23.05.2017.
PECSA Roundtable Debate 2017
“The role of European values
in times of the political and socio-economic challenges in Europe”
25 May 2017
SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Building C, Auditorium I
organized by
Polish European Community Studies Association (PECSA)
in cooperation with
Deree–The American College of Greece in Athens
European Community Studies Association (ECSA–World)
European Union Studies Association in Georgia (ECSA-Georgia)
Institute of East-Central Europe (IEŚW)
Jacob of Paradise University in Gorzów Wielkopolski (Faculty of Administration and National Security)
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at Warsaw School of Economics (CEWSE)
Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Poland (KAS)
New Vision University in Tbilisi
Poznan University of Economics (Department of European Studies)
SGH Warsaw School of Economics (Collegium of Socio-Economics, Jean Monnet Chair of the EU & Department of Political Studies)
University of Economics in Katowice (Department of International Economic Relations)
University of Gdańsk (Research Center on European Integration)
University of Warsaw (Centre for Europe & Faculty of Management)
09:00–11:00 PECSA Annual General Meeting & PECSA Board Meeting (in Polish)
11.00–11:30 Registration and coffee break
11:30–11:45 Welcome address & Introductory remarks
- Professor Ewa Latoszek – Jean Monnet Chair Holder, Director of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at the Warsaw School of Economics (CEWSE), President of the Polish European Community Studies Association (PECSA)
- Dr Angelika Klein – Director of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Poland (KAS)
11:45–13:00 Session 1. “Political and policy challenges in Europe: shared values?”
- Dr Aleksandra Borowicz – University of Gdańsk, Research Centre on European Integration, PECSA, Poland
- Professor Bogdan Góralczyk – Director of the Centre for Europe at the University of Warsaw, Poland
- Professor Andrzej Zybała – SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Collegium of Socio-Economics, Poland
- Professor Gaga Gabrichidze – New Vision University in Tbilisi, President of the European Union Studies Association in Georgia (ECSA-Georgia)
- Dr Aleksandra Szczerba-Zawada – The Jacob of Paradise University in Gorzów Wielkopolski, Faculty of Administration and National Security, PECSA, Poland
- Dr Marta Pachocka – SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Collegium of Socio-Economics, PECSA, Poland
13:00–14:15 Session 2. “Socio-economic challenges and European values”
- Dr Jan Misiuna – SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Collegium of Socio-Economics, PECSA, Poland
- Professor Andrzej Stępniak – Director of the Research Centre on European Integration at the University of Gdańsk, PECSA, Poland
- Dr Anna Visvizi – Deree–The American College of Greece in Athens, Greece, Institute of East-Central Europe, PECSA, Poland
- Dr Ida Musiałkowska – Poznań University of Economics, Department of European Studies, PECSA, Poland
- Dr Anna Masłoń-Oracz – SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Collegium of Socio-Economics, PECSA, Poland
- Mehmet Ali Ozcobanlar – PhD candidate, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Management, Poland, Anatolia University, Faculty of Business Administration, Turkey
14:15–14:45 Closing remarks
- Dr Anna Visvizi – Deree–The American College of Greece in Athens, Greece, Institute of East-Central Europe, PECSA, Poland
- Dr Kamil Zajączkowski – University of Warsaw, Centre for Europe, PECSA, Poland