revealed comparative advantages

The evolution of Poland’s trade position in travel services after its accession to the European Union

The evolution of Poland’s trade position in travel services after its accession to the European Union





Although shares of travel services in Poland's and European Union's services exports and imports have decreased since 2004, they are still very important parts of the economies. They boost revenues, create jobs, develop infrastructures, and enable cultural exchange. The aim of this study is to identify Poland’s trade position in intra-EU and extra-EU trade in business and personal travel services and to assess changes that have taken place between 2004-2020. Changes in geographical and service-industry structures of Poland revealed comparative advantages while trade balance in international trade in travel services were examined. One of the main findings is that by 2020 Poland has improved its trade position, in comparison to 2004, in business travel services. At the same time Poland has diminished its trade position in personal travel services.