Connecting the European Union of Shared Aims, Freedoms, Values and Responsibilities / EUSHARE
Through implementation of EuInteg project PECSA will try to highlight the new EU
We are happy to inform that a project prepared and submitted by PECSA in March to the European Commission in response to Jean Monnet Information Project/Network "Policy debate with Academic World" (Erasmus+ Programme) was ranked 10 out of 57 positively evaluated proposals. As a result in May 2015 PECSA will organize international scientific conference "Facing the Challenges in European Union. Re-thinking of EU Education and Research for Smart and Inclusive Growth" in Warsaw. Jean Monnet Professors, ECSA-World representatives, PECSA members and all researchers interested in science, education and research in the EU are kindly invited to participate.
Szanowni Państwo, mamy przyjemność zaprosić na II Seminarium Europejskie pt.: „Państwo dobrobytu w obliczu przemian demograficznych w Europie” współorganizowane przez Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społeczne Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie (KES SGH), Katedrę Unii Europejskiej im.
On 4 December 2014 the Polish European Community Studies Association (PECSA) in cooperation with Collegium of Socio-Economics of the Warsaw School of Economics, Jean Monnet Chair of European Union and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Poland organized 2nd European Seminar “The Welfare State during Demo
We invite all PECSA members to read the newest issue of „The Poznań University of Economics Review” for it is dedicated to European integration and the 10th anniversary of the largest EU enlargement.