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Cooperation between science and business in Poland: key weaknesses and barriers in the perspective of Science-Technology Parks





The article contributes to the discussion on the weaknesses and barriers to building adequate framework for cooperation between universities and other high education institutions and business in Poland. The study tries to fill the gap in literature by showing the problem from the perspective of science-technology parks (STPs) and combining the two issues usually researched separately: topical collaboration with its barriers and the activity of STPs. Since analysis of the topic is hampered by the lack of data (no composite indicators denoting academia-business cooperation), the authors used qualitative methods (survey and structured interviews conducted in 2021-2022 in combination with the use of other sources of information). The study points to structural weaknesses of the system supporting science-business cooperation in Poland that could be addressed by appropriate legislation. Respondents stressed the lack of tax exemptions for companies cooperating directly with STPs or conducting their R&D projects on its premises, and absence of preferential loans for start-ups and other entrepreneurs operating there. Limited opportunities for applying for funds also proved to be a serious problem, related to the legal status of STP as well as surcharges imposed by the universities on common projects with business. Many observations are similar to those already reported in literature which implies that the situation has not changed.

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