The Polish European Community Studies Association (PECSA) in cooperation with Jean Monnet Chair of the European Union & Department of Political Studies, Collegium of Socio-Economics, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Poland and the Jacob of Paradies University in Gorzów Wielkopolski is pleased to announce 3rd PECSA Roundtable Debate 2019 “Freedom, solidarity, democracy: the EU and its Member States in search for new integration code?”. The event will take place at SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Al. Niepodległości 128, Building C, Auditorium I on May 29th 2019.
The conference will be held in English.
Participation in the conference is free of charge. Please register by May 27th 2019.
The PECSA Roundtable Debate 2019 is organised within the framework of Jean Monnet project “Connecting the European Union of Shared Aims, Freedoms, Values and Responsibilities” (EUSHARE) co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
PECSA Roundtable Debate 2019
“Freedom, solidarity, democracy: the EU and its Member States
in search for new integration code?”
SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Aleja Niepodległości 128, Building C, Auditorium I
Polish European Community Studies Association (PECSA)
Jean Monnet Chair of the European Union & Department of Political Studies, Collegium of Socio-Economics, SGH Warsaw School of Economics (Poland)
Faculty of Administration and National Security, Jacob of Paradies University in Gorzów Wielkopolski (Poland)
Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Poland
Centre for Europe, University of Warsaw (Poland)
Department of International Economic Relations, University of Economics in Katowice (Poland)
Institute of Management, Collegium of Management and Finance, SGH Warsaw School of Economics (Poland)
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at SGH Warsaw School of Economics (Poland)
Jean Monnet Module AFROEU (Poland)
Jean Monnet Module B-in-EU (Greece)
Jean Monnet Module EUIncSo (Poland)
Jean Monnet Module EUMIGRO (Poland)
Research Center on European Integration, University of Gdańsk (Poland)
Riga Stradiņš University (Latvia)
University of Latvia

Honorary patronage

10:30–12:00 PECSA Annual General Meeting & PECSA Board Meeting (in Polish)
12:00–12:30 Registration
12:30–12:45 Welcome addresses
- Prof. Ewa Latoszek (SGH Warsaw School of Economics/Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at SGH Warsaw School of Economics/PECSA)
- Dr. Angelika Klein (Adenauer Foundation in Poland)
12:45–14:00 Panel I. “The European Union of the 21st century – in search of a European identity?”
- Dr. Aleksandra Szczerba-Zawada (Jacob of Paradies University in Gorzów Wielkopolski/Jean Monnet Module EUIncSo/PECSA)
- Prof. Tatjana Muravska (University of Latvia/Riga Stradiņš University/ECSA–Latvia): “Transformation of the EU as ever expanding »project«: Challenges and Agendas”
- Prof. dr. Claudia Wiesner (University of Applied Sciences in Fulda/Harvard Center for European Studies): “European identity in troubled times: conception and practice”
- PhD Candidate Andrea Circolo (University of Naples “Parthenope”): “Future solutions to preserve the founding values of the European Union: the proposal of regulation protecting the EU budget against generalised rule of law deficiencies”
- Prof. Ewa Latoszek (SGH Warsaw School of Economics/Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at SGH Warsaw School of Economics/PECSA): “European studies under the current instability and insecurity”
14:00–14:15 Coffee break
14:15–15:30 Panel II. "External policy, internal purposes – the multi-layered dynamics of EU’ interdependence”
- Prof. Małgorzata Dziembała (University of Economics in Katowice/PECSA)
- Prof. Olga Bombardelli (University of Trento): “'The European Union in the global scenario”
- Prof. dr. Reza Hasmath (University of Alberta): “What drives contemporary E.U. external strategic engagement? A case study of contemporary E.U.-China relations”
- Dr. Olga Barburska (University of Warsaw/PECSA): “Europeanization as an instrument of the EU’s foreign policy in the field of promotion of democracy”
- Dr. Aleksandra Borowicz (University of Gdańsk/PECSA): “Asymmetry of external relations of the European Union in the political, social and economic dimensions”
15:30–15:45 Coffee break
15:45–17:00 Panel III. “Member States v. the EU - (sincere) cooperation or (unfair) competition?”
- Dr. Marta Pachocka (SGH Warsaw School of Economics /Jean Monnet Module EUMIGRO/PECSA)
- Prof. Agnieszka Domańska (SGH Warsaw School of Economics/PECSA): “Impact of public and private spendings on the innovation performance and propensity for international collaboration of domestic companies in Poland and other EU countries. Cross-country comparative analysis using ADL model”
- PhD Candidate Elodie Thevenin (Jagiellonian University): “Anti-migration populist discourse in the Polish Parliament: what future for Europe?”
- PhD Candidate Tamar Todria (University of Tbilisi): “Preserving indigenous culture or spreading multiculturalism in Europe?!”
- PhD Candidate Dominik Wach (University of Warsaw): “Approaches to migrant integration policy in Poland. Differences between central and local administration”
17:00–17:15 Closing session
- Prof. Małgorzata Dziembała (University of Economics in Katowice/PECSA)
- Dr. Aleksandra Szczerba-Zawada (Jacob of Paradies University in Gorzów Wielkopolski/Jean Monnet Module EUIncSo/PECSA)