PECSA International Roundtable Debate 2019
“Freedom, solidarity, democracy: the EU and its Member States in search for new integration code?”
May 29th 2019, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
Call for papers
The Organizing Committee of the PECSA International Roundtable Debate 2019 “Freedom, solidarity, democracy: the EU and its Member States in search for new integration code?” is calling for abstract submissions.
Polish European Community Studies Association (PECSA) in cooperation with Jean Monnet Chair of the European Union & Department of Political Studies, Collegium of Socio-Economics, SGH Warsaw School of Economics (Poland), Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Poland and Partners will organize PECSA International Roundtable Debate 2019 at SGH Warsaw School of Economics (Poland) on May 29th 2019.
Academic debates on the prospects of the European integration process thrive. They depict the bottom-up dynamics that nurture the EU today. Here, developments in the EU members states, changing attitudes to the very idea of European integration, benevolent attitude of large parts of the society to the foundational values and principles of the EU, and several other issues define the beat of the discussion. As questions of security return to the mainstream debates on the EU, and liberal political, economic and social order can no longer taken for granted in the EU, it is imperative to redefine rethink these two ways of thinking and debating about the EU and the European integration process.
The aim of the PECSA International Roundtable Debate 2019 is to raise the public awareness of the issues that have a direct impact on the European foundations and on the future of the EU, including, but not limited to:
- Current developments in the EU and its members, including Poland
- Values and principles in the EU integration process,
- Prospects of European integration
- Safety and security in the EU,
- External relations of the EU,
- EU as a global actor.
The debate is addressed to the wide public: academic staff members, scientists and researchers, university students, PhD students, high school teachers with their students, experts from offices of international organizations and of EU institutions in Poland, experts from strategic NGOs, thinks tanks and scientific associations interested in the EU and EU related topics, professional groups, business, policy-makers, and other stakeholders.
The Organizing Committee welcome researchers and experts from different disciplines, especially PhD students and young scholars interested in presenting a paper dealing with one of the topics of the PECSA International Roundtable Debate 2019. Paper proposals may cover a variety of topics including, but not limited to, European identity, human rights protection, migration issues, EU fundamental values, the place of the EU in the world, the future of European integration, and the outcome of the 15th anniversary of the Polish accession to the EU.
Candidates are invited to submit a paper proposal (200-500 words) by April 1st 2019 to biuro@pecsa.edu.pl
Accepted candidates will be requested to submit their papers for publication in the PECSA Journal.
Practical information
The PECSA International Roundtable Debate 2019 is organised within the framework of Jean Monnet project “Connecting the European Union of Shared Aims, Freedoms, Values and Responsibilities” (EUSHARE) co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
01.04.2019 Submission of abstracts
30.04.2019 Notification about acceptance of abstracts
29.05.2019 PECSA International Roundtable Debate 2019
30.06.2019 Submission of final papers
Venue: SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Al. Niepodległości 128, Building C, Auditorium I, 02-554 Warsaw, Poland
Financial issues:
There is no conference fee. The organisers provide snacks during coffee breaks. The rest of expenses (esp. accommodation and travel) are paid for by the participants.