Yauheniya Sazonenka
Student of the Faculty of Engineering Management, Bialystok University of Technology,
jessicasazonenko@gmail.comEwa Rollnik-Sadowska
Faculty of Engineering Management, Bialystok University of Technology,
- Volume 2 Issue (2) 2018
Nowadays Poland faces a problem of the shortage of domestic labour resources because of the population ageing and emigration of the Poles. It is essential to create a flexible flow of international labour to fulfil the needs of the economy. The principal aim of the paper is the identification of the specificity of labour immigrants from Eastern European countries. The paper is based on the hypothesis that belonging to the culturally and historically similar groups influences the similarity of the pattern of the migration behaviour. The undertaken research method was a critical analysis of literature and desk research of secondary sources. The primary research has covered the selected logistics companies from Bialystok. It was discovered that Ukraine and Belarus are the major suppliers of the international labour in Poland. Though those groups are quite similar, they differ in the selection of occupation and voivodships. To keep the most demanded groups of immigrants in Poland, it is crucial to create financial and non-economic conditions that are better than in their domestic countries and can be comparable to the countries with a higher standard of living, than in Poland. For the employers, the simplification and acceleration of procedures of hiring international employees are needed.
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