Crisis of trust

Kryzys zaufania a pandemia COVID-19 w Polsce

Kryzys zaufania a pandemia COVID-19 w Polsce





With the third wave of COVID-19 pandemic, Poland passed to the next stage of the global sanitary crisis. In the era of pandemics, after the presidential elections, numerous political crises, a na-tional lockdown, demonstrations against restrictions in access to abortion, and the start of vac-cinations against COVID-19, the issue of trust between the institutions of the state – including the European Union – and the society, became an important element of the construction of the post-COVID reality. Is a crisis of confidence a sign of weakness of democratic values in both state and European institutions? Will the institutional inability of the state to govern lead Poland to a crisis of trust? Does the Polish media discourse reflect this crisis of trust? The leading research method used while preparing this text was discourse analysis. In the conclusion the authors diagnose the current situation: polarization of the Polish media, fueled with many years of political, social and moral conflicts, further increased by the COVID-19, and point to the need to build a strong and uncompromising trust between the Polish society and its political leaders.